Monday, April 12, 2010


I was talking last week on the way people react to some of the troublesome issues in life by not reacting in the way they are supposed to just because they cannot step on someones toes. To make the other person feel nice we sometimes keep our mouth shut and let the person railroad you.
We become the greatest hypocrites in life by pandering to that person and making him or her feel great. But isn't it a lie?
Why can't we just let it be and give the person the truth about the matter?
Why can't we just download the sad, bad or whatever feelings we have and flush it down once and for all?
Here we are afraid that it may lead to something which we may not be able to face or bear. Maybe it will turn into an ego issue or just another fight on hands.
It is the fear of the unknown that makes us that way.
We have been afraid of it since we were small when our parents have asked us whom do we like better-the mother or the father?
We have always been very diplomatic and said that both of them are dear to us!
We have learnt to be a hypocrites since childhood.
So there is something that we feel about today and still cannot express since we may jeopardize the relationship with the loved ones.
What hypocrites we have turned into,eh?
Just be yourself and express the hidden feelings once to that person and see what happens!
Wow, won't we be taking a great risk???
Life sucks, doesn't it, when you cannot even tell your wife or girlfriend that she needs to apply some deo or go to the gym regularly....or whatever it is that makes you keep your trap shut!!
C'mon man just blurt it out, why are you a coward?
Hey there, I know you won't do it but would suffer just like another martyr....
Long live Gandhiji ,Jesus and King!!!

Facebook | Suresh Rao: Just don't fight

Facebook | Suresh Rao: Just don't fight

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Truth and only the Truth

Yesterdays satsang was a very different issue with a staunch follower of Kriya Yoga who has an able Guru but had no idea how to follow him.
He gave me an idea of the profound knowledge his Guru has and how the Guru spends time for one month in the Himalayas washing off the accumulated karmas that he gathers from his disciples. In that he explained that the place in Himalayas is a secluded village which has all Kriya Yogi's who are very old, even a 275 year old person.
I saw the expression of great reverence to his master and the awe with which he considers this knowledge.
After listening to him for a long time, I asked the satsangi whether he ever questioned his Guru on the veracity or if he has ever visited that place to verify the truth?
I gave him examples of Shri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Vivekananda and how the Guru asked his beloved pupil to question him and never take anything for granted.So it is very much required that you, the reader never take anything for granted or as truth till you verify it for yourself.
Remember that is for the mind to verify and ascertain it and once it accepts the said words or actions of the Guru then to go ahead.
But otherwise never to proceed till you test the theory or teachings and get the proof of the pudding yourself.
Here is how you do that.....
First listen to or read the teachings of the Guru or Granth.
Then mull on it, cogitate on it and let the mind grasp the finer nuances of it.
Then apply the teachings in our life and find out the truth.
Get a perfect experience so that you are absolutely sure what you have got is the truth and only the perfect truth.
Here I shall explain how it can be done by an example.
The teacher says that when you mix Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric Acid you get salt and water. Write the formula. Then see how the two ingredients look like.
Then see how the two are mixed together, let the teacher show you the resultant is salt and water. Next you take them in your own hands and start the experiment and conclude it to know the truth.
Till you do not have the real proof, DO NOT accept any or every teaching.
Get the experience and then you will know for sure that what is being told to you is the ultimate truth.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Uttara Gita

I came across a very beautiful text called Uttara Gita and was surprised to know the contents of it.
Uttara Gita is supposed to be the last of the Gita's of Krishna in which He talks to Arjun about the Supreme Path of Self Realization or knowing Brahman!
In the original Gita there is a passing mention of pranayam and astanga yoga but here in this ms he talks about it in detail.
The talk veers towards the Kundalini chakras and the path of the coiled serpent in the body through the sushumna and the two other ida and pingala nadi's!
The piercing of the chakras and its subsequent result is also discussed.
He talks about the 7 heavens and 7 hells in the body.
Frankly, this being a piece of rare document, it should become a text for the spiritually inclined to move towards their lofty goal of self realization.
The only problem facing the aspirant would be to find a Guru who can guide him through that path of Krishna's teachings towards liberation.
Guru's come rare and have very biased way of teaching, disregarding the other paths and deriding them.
Take the path of a Sufi or a follower of Islam or Christianity or a Sikh also.
No one is wrong but to get a fit into the teachings of Krishna is difficult viz a viz the above other faiths!
To draw a thin line of singularity would be difficult for these biased folks.
So take care and find a Guru who can be unbiased and would adapt to all faiths and beliefs and show the Oneness of All in creation.
Know that everything in this beautiful Universe is His creation so find the One who fits the bill of Singularity of learnings and teachings.

Facebook | Suresh Rao: Death is a comma

Facebook | Suresh Rao: Death is a comma