Friday, April 9, 2010

Uttara Gita

I came across a very beautiful text called Uttara Gita and was surprised to know the contents of it.
Uttara Gita is supposed to be the last of the Gita's of Krishna in which He talks to Arjun about the Supreme Path of Self Realization or knowing Brahman!
In the original Gita there is a passing mention of pranayam and astanga yoga but here in this ms he talks about it in detail.
The talk veers towards the Kundalini chakras and the path of the coiled serpent in the body through the sushumna and the two other ida and pingala nadi's!
The piercing of the chakras and its subsequent result is also discussed.
He talks about the 7 heavens and 7 hells in the body.
Frankly, this being a piece of rare document, it should become a text for the spiritually inclined to move towards their lofty goal of self realization.
The only problem facing the aspirant would be to find a Guru who can guide him through that path of Krishna's teachings towards liberation.
Guru's come rare and have very biased way of teaching, disregarding the other paths and deriding them.
Take the path of a Sufi or a follower of Islam or Christianity or a Sikh also.
No one is wrong but to get a fit into the teachings of Krishna is difficult viz a viz the above other faiths!
To draw a thin line of singularity would be difficult for these biased folks.
So take care and find a Guru who can be unbiased and would adapt to all faiths and beliefs and show the Oneness of All in creation.
Know that everything in this beautiful Universe is His creation so find the One who fits the bill of Singularity of learnings and teachings.

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